
Being an absolute nerd at heart, I love storytelling, especially through fantasy and science fiction in all shapes and forms. So I feel that it only made sense that I ended up delving into the world of miniature making and painting.

My miniatures are not designed for a particular game or setting, I just kind of go where I feel like. But as you can see, I tend to go with the classic medieval Europe with my projects so far. You'll recognize the wood frame wattle and daub technique in several of my buildings. The miniatures I paint, as in the people and animals, are typically 3D printed.

I use a variety of different materials for my housing and scenery, particularly cardboard (can't beat a good cardboard base, save your cereal boxes if you wanna try!), wood (balsa in particular), cork and foamboard (though personally, I really prefer cork over foamboard), plaster, sand, dirt and a lot of paints (primarily acrylics).

If you want to give this a go, I highly recommend looking up starter tutorials on YouTube, there are so many high quality ones there! I've learned a lot about building realistic houses and painting from people like Real Terrain Hobbies, Goobertown Hobbies and JH Miniatures.

Painted miniature horse
Built and painted miniature house in wattle and daub architecture style
Painted miniature old man with two dogs
Miniature brick house with light inside
Painted miniature packmule
Two miniature houses in wattle and daub architecture style with clothes line between them
Close-up of miniature house with two miniature humans
Close-up of miniature house with three miniature humans
Painted miniature dog